Иностранный язык (Практический курс первого иностранного (английского) языка) 5 семестр – Тест 1


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Иностранный язык (Практический курс первого иностранного (английского) языка) 5 семестр - Тест 1. Готовые ответы на тест Синергия

Внимание! Убедительная просьба, перед покупкой убедитесь, что именно эти вопросы и ответы Вам нужны для решения теста. Для этого необходимо сначала начать решать тест, сравнить ответы и только после этого покупать ответы! Мы продаем именно тот вариант теста, что попался нам. Какой попадётся Вам- никто не знает! Оберегайте себя от лишних трат и негативных мыслях о нашем сервисе.


Read the text «Towards a definition of culture» and complete these sentences: Culture with a small c refers to …
Visual arts

Who … sweets? Mary like sweets

Does like

Is liking



Mary … her homework now
Is doing
Was doing

Read the text «A world full of Englishes» and complete these sentences: If the course focuses on American English? The settings may be such places as …
Oxford Street
Times Square
Tower of London

Who … the oak in the park? The children saw the oak in the park
Did see

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: In fact, one of the big differences between cultures is …
number of words in every language
difference in using gestures
How important a culture thinks a word in general are

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: Successful communication isn’t just a question of getting the language right, it’s also a question of …
Using language that’s right for the situation
Correct pronunciation
Good manners


What …? Mary likes sweets

Does ...

Mary likes

Is ...


Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: … cultures value talk and they like to articulate ideas and reason out loud and in public.

You …!
Are always complaining
Always complain
Are always complain

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: … - our verbal communication – is only one way we have of communicating

Read the text «Towards a definition of culture» and complete these sentences: Culture gives a person …
A sense of self-esteem
power over people
A special identity

Read the text «A world full of Englishes» and complete these sentences: Today, English is found in countries all over the world, and … we see the language changing as people use it to talk about their local situation

Read the text «A world full of Englishes» and complete these sentences: The most noticeable change is the new vocabulary people use when they want to talk in English about …
Plants and animals

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: In Syria in terms of business, a … would definitely go in with things they want to talk about, things they want to achieve, and preferably within the minimum amount of time

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: Looking at people intensely is a rude thing to do in …

The wing … strongly today – stronger than usual
Is blowing
Will blow

Read the text «A world full of Englishes» and complete these sentences: While studying points of pronunciations, grammar and vocabulary, learners take in a great deal of …
Cultural information
Political Situation
International communication

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: When the … had a problem they would very quickly want to get the problem out into the open verbally, argue it, discuss it and this would make them feel better and the problem would go away

My friend likes the museum and … every weekend
Is visiting
Was visiting

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: Their extraordinary findings of the experiment in 1967 were that … of the meaning came through language

What … in the park? The children saw the oak in the park

Saw children

Did children see

Have children saw


I … my homework every day
Am doing
Was doing

Read the text «Towards a definition of culture» and complete these sentences: Many English-speaking countries now have citizenship test for new

Read the text «Towards a definition of culture» and complete these sentences: For some people … means literature, music and art

My father … to works always
Is cycling
Was cycling

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: Japanese don’t use …
Verbal communication

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: A lot of everyday communication is to do with dealing with problems and conflict and how every culture deals with these confrontations in a different way is known as …
Cultural conflicts
Cultural confrontation styles
National confrontation


Готовые ответы на тест Синергия


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