Тестирование: Иностранный язык 1 семестр (зачет) – МФЮА ответы на тест


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Раздел: МФЮА- онлайн тесты


Тестирование: Иностранный язык 1 семестр (зачет)



Gold was discovered in Australia in 1651.

  1. Did Gold was discovered in Australia in 1651?
  2. Was Gold was discovered in Australia in 1651?
  3. Was Gold discovered in Australia in 1651?
  4. Were Gold was discovered in Australia in 1651?


Australia is the world's largest exporter of beef

  1. Is Australia the world's largest exporter of beef?
  2. Is Australia is the world's largest exporter of beef?
  3. Does Australia is the world's largest exporter of beef?
  4. Do Australia is the world's largest exporter of beef?


Australia’s Aboriginal people arrived to Australia from South East Asia.

  1. Who Australia’s Aboriginal people arrived to Australia from South East Asia?
  2. Where Australia’s Aboriginal people arrived to Australia from?
  3. Why Australia’s Aboriginal people arrived to Australia from South East Asia?
  4. Where did Australia’s Aboriginal people arrive to Australia from?


Canberra became a thriving city after World War II

  1. Is Canberra became a thriving city after World War II?
  2. Did Canberra become a thriving city after World War II?
  3. Does Canberra became a thriving city after World War II?
  4. Was Canberra became a thriving city after World War II?


Captain James Cook claimed the east coast for Britain in 1770.

  1. Did Captain James Cook claim the east coast for Britain in 1770?
  2. Do Captain James Cook claimed the east coast for Britain in 1770?
  3. Who did claimed the east coast for Britain in 1770?
  4. When Captain James Cook claimed the east coast for Britain in 1770?


The crown lease terms have tightly limited the use of parcels of land

  1. Is The crown lease terms have tightly limited the use of parcels of land?
  2. Have the crown lease terms have tightly limited the use of parcels of land?
  3. Does The crown lease terms have tightly limited the use of parcels of land.?
  4. Are The crown lease terms have tightly limited the use of parcels of land. ?


The Aboriginal people suffered a lot.

  1. Was The Aboriginal people suffered a lot?
  2. Did The Aboriginal people suffer a lot?
  3. Were The Aboriginal people suffered a lot?
  4. Do The Aboriginal people suffered a lot?


Gold was discovered in South Victoria.

  1. Where did Gold was discovered?
  2. Where does Gold was discovered?
  3. Where was Gold discovered?
  4. Where were Gold was discovered?


Australian War Memorial is in Sidney.

  1. Why does Australian War Memorial is in Sidney?
  2. Where Australian War Memorial is in Sidney?
  3. Is Australian War Memorial in Sidney?
  4. When Australian War Memorial is in Sidney?


Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin are architects

  1. Is Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin architects?
  2. Do Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin are architects?
  3. Are Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin architects?
  4. Did Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin are architects?


160,000 men and women came to Australia as convicts.

  1. Did 160,000 men and women came to Australia as convicts?
  2. How many men and women did came to Australia as convicts?
  3. How much men and women came to Australia as convicts?
  4. How many people came to Australia as convicts?


Black Australia Policy was one of the new national parliament’s first acts

  1. Black Australia Policy not was one of the new national parliament’s first acts.
  2. Black Australia Policy was no one of the new national parliament’s first acts.
  3. Black Australia Policy no was one of the new national parliament’s first acts.
  4. Black Australia Policy was not one of the new national parliament’s first acts.


Three peaks surround the Canberra: Mount Ainslie, Capital Hill and Kurrajong Hill.

  1. How many peaks do surround the Canberra?
  2. How many peaks surround the Canberra?
  3. How many peaks are surround the Canberra?
  4. Does Three peaks surround the Canberra: Mount Ainslie, Capital Hill and Kurrajong Hill?


Kalgoorlie embraces the world's largest political electorate.

  1. Does Kalgoorlie embrace the world's largest political electorate?
  2. Is Kalgoorlie embraces the world's largest political electorate?
  3. Do Kalgoorlie embraces the world's largest political electorate?
  4. Does Kalgoorlie embraces the world's largest political electorate?


In Victoria, the British governor’s attempts to impose order led to struggles?

  1. Did the British governor’s attempts to impose order lead to struggles?
  2. Do the British governor’s attempts to impose order led to struggles?
  3. Does the British governor’s attempts to impose order led to struggles?
  4. Were the British governor’s attempts to impose order led to struggles?


Australia’s Aboriginal people arrived to Australia from South East Asia.

  1. Who were arrived to Australia from South East Asia?
  2. Who did arrived to Australia from South East Asia?
  3. Who arrived to Australia from South East Asia?
  4. Who did arrive to Australia from South East Asia?


American Aboriginal people invented the aerodynamic boomerang.

  1. American Aboriginal people didn’t invent the aerodynamic boomerang?
  2. American Aboriginal people doesn’t invented the aerodynamic boomerang?
  3. American Aboriginal people not invented the aerodynamic boomerang?
  4. American Aboriginal people doesn’t invent the aerodynamic boomerang?


Australia has less species of plants than Europe.

  1. What Australia has less than Europe?
  2. Does Australia have less species of plants than Europe?
  3. Why Australia no has less species of plants than Europe?
  4. Did Australia doesn’t has less species of plants than Europe ?


Canberra is located between the ski slopes and the beach

  1. Do Canberra is located between the ski slopes and the beach?
  2. Is Canberra is located between the ski slopes and the beach?
  3. Does Canberra is located between the ski slopes and the beach?
  4. Is Canberra located between the ski slopes and the beach?


About 80 per cent of Australia's southern marine species are found nowhere else in the world.

  1. Are about 80 per cent of Australia's southern marine species are found nowhere else in the world?
  2. Are about 80 per cent of Australia's southern marine species is found nowhere else in the world?
  3. How many species of Australia's southern marine are found nowhere else in the world?
  4. Do about 80 per cent of Australia's southern marine species are found nowhere else in the world?


There are many Australian cities which are entirely purpose-built.

  1. Are There many Australian cities which are entirely purpose?
  2. Is There many Australian cities which are entirely purpose?
  3. Were There are many Australian cities which are entirely purpose?
  4. Did There are many Australian cities which are entirely purpose?


Canberra is located at the western end of the Australian Capital Territory.

  1. Where Canberra is 280 km north?
  2. Does Canberra is 280 km north?
  3. Did Canberra is located at the western end of the Australian Capital Territory?
  4. Is Canberra 280 km north?
  5. Are Canberra is 280 km north?
  6. Is Canberra located at the western end of the Australian Capital Territory?
  7. Canberra is 280 km north-west of Sydney.
  8. Does Canberra is located at the western end of the Australian Capital Territory?
  9. Are Canberra is located at the western end of the Australian Capital Territory?


Australia’s Aboriginal people believed that totemic spirit ancestors forged all aspects of life.

  1. Was Australia’s Aboriginal people believed that totemic spirit ancestors forged all aspects of life?
  2. Did Australia’s Aboriginal people believe that totemic spirit ancestors forged all aspects of life?
  3. Australia’s Aboriginal people believed that totemic spirit ancestors forged all aspects of are life?
  4. Do Australia’s Aboriginal people believed that totemic spirit ancestors forged all aspects of life?


Gold was discovered in Australia in 1651.

  1. Gold did was discovered in Australia in 1651.
  2. Gold was not discovered in Australia in 1651.
  3. Gold was no discovered in Australia in 1651.
  4. Gold no was discovered in Australia in 1651.


Australia’s seven states became a nation under a single constitution in 1901.

  1. Were Australia’s seven states became a nation under a single constitution in 1901.
  2. Does Australia’s seven states became a nation under a single constitution in 1901.
  3. Did Australia’s seven states become a nation under a single constitution in 1901.
  4. Do Australia’s seven states became a nation under a single constitution in 1901.


Adelaide is located in North Australia.

  1. Where is Adelaide located?
  2. Where Adelaide is located?
  3. Where does Adelaide is located?
  4. Where did Adelaide is located?


Gippsland is home to the world’s largest oyster

  1. Gippsland not home to the world’s largest oyster?
  2. Gippsland is not home to the world’s largest oyster?
  3. Gippsland not is home to the world’s largest oyster?
  4. Gippsland don’t home to the world’s largest oyster?


In 1945 six million people from all over the world came to Australia to live.

  1. Does In 1945 six million people from all over the world doesn’t come to Australia to live?
  2. Were six million people from all over the world not came to Australia to live?
  3. Do six million people from all over the world doesn’t came to Australia to live?
  4. Did six million people from all over the world come to Australia to live in 1945?


Canberra iscalled "bush capital"

  1. Why are Canberra is called "bush capital"?
  2. Why Canberra is called "bush capital"?
  3. Why is Canberras called "bush capital"?
  4. Does Canberra is called "bush capital"?


Free settlers began to flow in from the early 1490s.

  1. Free settlers didn’t begin to flow in from the early 1490s.
  2. Free settlers no began to flow in from the early 1490s.
  3. Free settlers began no to flow in from the early 1490s.
  4. Free settlers not began to flow in from the early 1490s.



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