Английский язык – тест 3 Синергия


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Раздел: Ответы на тесты Синергия

Английский язык – тест 3 Синергия. Готовые ответы к онлайн тесту Синергии


Read the text «Endless energy »  and complete these sentences: … is a renewable plant source that can be used to produce heat, electricity or biofuel
Municipal solid waste

My friend had … money, he bought a house in London
So many
So much

If I find your book, I … you
Will tell
Would tel

Read the text «Coming in from the cold»  and complete these sentences: Alaska is such a cold place that anything above …
-17 F
-10 F
0 F

If Mike … a car, he can take mine
Will need

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: When brown fat is activated it makes …

Read the text «Coming in from the cold»  and complete these sentences: Seasonal affectve disorder is …
Winter depression
Nostalgia for the childhood
Middle age crisis

Snow White was … that everyone loved her
So kind
Such a kind
So kindly

Read the text «Coming in from the cold»  and complete these sentences: Alaskans are …

Read the text «Coming in from the cold»  and complete these sentences: Dog mushing is a sport in which …
Two dogs fight each other
A team of dogs pulls a racer on a sled
A team of dogs hunts a deer

I hear nothing, he talks …
So quiet
So quietly
Such quite

If I meet him, I … him your telephone number
Would Give
Will give

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски:  Dr Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt is a …

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски:   … animals are the ones that sleep during the winter

Read the text «Coming in from the cold»  and complete these sentences:  … is essential for economy of Alaska

Read the text «Endless energy »  and complete these sentences:  In Spain … is used as biofuel for buses
Sugar cane
Vegetable oil

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: … means doing something to lose weight and get thinner

What will happen if I … my teacher?
Won’t telephone
Don’t telephone

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски:  Metabolism is …
The chemical process in your body that causes you to burn food and turn it to the energy
The process of increasing in physical size
The changes occur at the cellular level and are partially explained by biological theories of aging

Read the text «Endless energy »  and complete these sentences:   More land for fuel mean less land for …
Gowing food
Urban delevopment
National parks

If your son likes the toy, … it?
Do you buy
Have you buy
Will you buy

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: New research has found that … your house too much could make your fat

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски:  … are the units that measure how much energy you get from food

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски:   The recommended number calories for an average woman is … per a day

Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски:    … is a name for people who are used in experiments
Lab rats
Guinea frogs
Guinea pigs

If you … what he says, ask the police
Don’t believe
Won’t believe
Would not believe

He was … man. He always swore at me
Such an angry
So angry
So anger

Read the text «Endless energy »  and complete these sentences:   Delevopments in techonoligy mean using biomass is definitely going to be … in the future
More expensive and more efficient
Easier and faster
Cheaper and more efficient

1 отзыв на Английский язык – тест 3 Синергия

  1. Vitaliy

    Прошел, благодарю

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