Английский язык (обучение)-5 онлайн тест МФПУ Синергия


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Английский язык (обучение)-5 онлайн тест МФПУ Синергия. Готовые ответы на тест

Внимание! Прежде чем купить готовые ответы на тест, убедитесь, что именно они Вам нужны. Мы продаем именно тот вариант теста, что попался нам при сдаче. Никто не знает, какой попадется именно Вам. Для этого необходимо начать  решение теста в личном кабинете и сравнить его с теми ответами, что представлены здесь. Мы не желаем, чтоб вы потратили средства в пустую и у Вас остался плохой осадок после посещения нашего сайта.


  1. Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: The youngest age a man can legally marry in Bangladesh is …
  2. Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: Medical and educational professionals now have a better understanding of how our… - the chemicals in our body – develop and how our brain works
  3. Read the text «Baby and child care» and complete these sentence: In 1998 men have been participating increasingly in all aspects of …
    Home and child care

Work and career
Sports and hobbies

  1. When I began to translate the book I needed to use dictionary every minute, but now I … text without it
    Get used to translating
    Used to translating
    Am used to translate
  2. He … visit us every day
    Was used to
    Used to
    Did use to
  3. I was surprised to see Mike reading English book – he … them when I first met him
    Didn’t use to read
    Was not used reading
    Was not used to read
  4. Read the text «Baby and child care» and complete these sentence: in 1946 conscientious parents often dread …, thinking that they ruin their children’s taste for good reading
    Detective stories
    Women’s novels
    comic books 
  5. Read the text «Learning to talk» and complete these sentence: … always have an active role to play in children’s language learning
  6. Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: To stand on one’s own two feet means …
    To become independent
    To get up
    To go to the journey
  7. My mother was shocked when she found the magazine because she … reading such newspapers
    Didn’t get use
    Wasn’t used to
    Wouldn’t use to
  8. Mary … doing homework every evening
    Used to
    Is used to
    Get used
  9. Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: Mollycoddling means … young people
  10. Read the text «Baby and child care» and complete these sentence: In 1988 there is a darker side to the world of …
  11. We remember how you … play guitar every free minute
    Get used
    Used to
    Are used to
  12. Read the text «Baby and child care» and complete these sentence: Most of computer games are variations on the theme of …
    Solve a riddle
    Find the treasures
    Kill the bad guys
  13. When I was a student I … to Universality six time per week
    Got used going
    Was used to go
    Used to go
  14. Read the text «Learning to talk» and complete these sentence: Early words are actually … sentences
  15. Read the text «Learning to talk» and complete these sentence: One of the first features of language a child learns well is …
  16. Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: Child psychologists … the people who study how children behave – now think adolescence could last until the age of …
  17. I think I’ll never … chess, I simply don’t understand the rules
    Use to play
    Get used to playing
    Will be used to
  18. Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: «Formative years» means …
    The time when you are growing up
    The period of adolescence marked by self-consciousness and moody behavior
    The condition or process of deterioration with age
  19. Read the text «Baby and child care» and complete these sentence: In 1946 some fathers have been brought up to think that the care of babies and children is … job
    The mother’s
    The father’s
    The common
  20. Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: Young people need help and support until they’re …
    Older than 18
    Older than 25
  21. Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: Frank Furedi, Professor of Sociology at the University of Kent, thinks that living at home with parents …
    Helps to grow up quickly
    Helps to develop the individual
    Makes a person lose the aspiration 
  22. Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: A point where you’ve changed from being a child to being an adult is the end of …
  23. At first I didn’t like my wife’s soup, but in the end I … it
    Got used
    Used to
    Was used to
  24. Read the text «Learning to talk» and complete these sentence: After the first word, others come …
  25. Прослушайте запись и заполните пропуски: To marry without asking parents means to marry without …

Если по какой то причине вы не можете самостоятельно сдать этот или любой другой тест, мы можем Вам в этом помочь. Для заказа необходимо обратиться к нашим менеджерам. Им нужно будет передать пароль, логин и фотографию студента для решения теста.

1 отзыв на Английский язык (обучение)-5 онлайн тест МФПУ Синергия

  1. Николай

    Хотелось бы конечно по выше балл. Но ответов вообще нигде нет. Нашёл только тут. Спасибо за помощь без передачи доступа к кабинету

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