Основы теории первого иностранного (английского) языка 2- тут вы можете купить ответы на тест Синергии


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Основы теории первого иностранного (английского) языка 2- тут вы можете купить готовые ответы на тест Синергии

Внимание! Покупайте ответы на тесты, после того, как убедитесь, что именно эти вопросы и ответы Вам подходят. Мы продаем тот вариант теста, что попался нам. Никто не знает, какой вариант попадётся Вам. Для этого необходимо сначала начать решение теста, далее сравнить с теми, что представлены у нас и только потом покупать. Уберегите себя от пустой траты денег и плохих мыслей о нашем сервисе. Для нас это важно. После прохождения теста оставьте пожалуйста отзыв о товаре, будем очень благодарны


There are three ways of forming degrees of comparison

Relative, positive, ... comparative

Synthetic, analytic, ... suppletive

Positive, synthetic, ... analytic


The way forming degrees of comparison by the inflections is called





...way of forming degrees of comparison by the inflections is callde…





The category of comparison is constituted by the opposition of three forms of the adjective

Relative, positive, and comparative

Positive, comparative, and ... superlative

Neutral, positive, and negative


...realization of the category of aspect is closely connected with

...lexical meaning of verbs

...morphological meaning of verbs

...grammatical meaning of verbs


... so-called ‘non-progressive’ verbs are

To work, to study, to do, to live

To drink, to eat, to come, to take

To think, to understand, to know, to hate


The action or process of converting an adjective into a noun is





The elementary meaningful part of the word is

A sound

A morpheme

A sign


Grammatical elements of language present a unity of

Phonemes and sounds

Content and expression

Text and context


In the sentence, the adjective performs the functions of

A subject and object

An object and a predicate

An attribute and a predicative


According to the form of existence the nouns may be

Countable and uncountable

Human and non-human

Antimate and inanimate


Lingual units stand to one another in two fundamental types of relations

Phonetical and moprhological

Grammatical and contextual

Syntagmatic and paradigmatic


The term «grammar» may be transkated as

«... art of writing»

«... art of speaking»

«... art of translating»


The theory that studies the communicative structure of the sentence is called

... Descriptive Sentence Theory

... Communicative Functional Theory

... Functional Sentence Perspective Theory


A sentence is made up of whitch are its main parts

...subject ... ... object

...subject, ... object, ...the predicate

...subject ... the predicate


The grammatical categories of the English verb find their expression in

Synthetical ...analytical forms

Present ... past forms

Regular ...irregular forms


A secondary part of the sentence which modifies an entity, expressed by a head noun is called





It convers the names of objects consisting of several parts (jeans), names of sviences (mathematics), names of diseases, games

Singularia tantum and Pluralia tantum

Singukaria tantum

Pluralia tantum


A part of speech denoting an action or a process is called





According to the way of forming past tenses and Participle II verbs can be

Simple ... compound

Sound-replacive ... stress-replacive

Regular and irregular


The category of gender is formed by two oppositions

Plural ... singular, special ... general

Masculine ... feminine, special ... general

Person ... non-person, masculine ... feminine


A grammatical category of the verb which indicates the relation between an action and ists agent is

...category of Aspect

...category of Voict

...category of Case


The basic informative part of the communication is represented by





A verbal category thet reflects the objective category of time is

...category of Case

...category of Voice

...category of Tense


Language incorporates three constituent parts, each being inherent in it by virtue of its social nature. These parts are

... syntactical system, ... lexical system, and ... grammatical system

... stylistic, ... lexical system, and ... grammatical system

... phonological system, ... lexical system, and ... grammatical system


In accordance with ... morphological structure of the stems all nouns can be classified into

Neutral, masculine, ... feminine

Simple, compound ... composite

Absolute, abstract, ...figurative


The aim of theoretical grammar of a language is

To present a theoretical description of its grammatical system

To describe levels or the language

To give strict rules of speaking correctly


To the supra-segmental units belong

Phonemes, morphemes, words, phrases

Itonations, accents, pauses, patterns of word order

Stress, sounds, word-building, word order


... relaction of a word to another word on the word-group or sentence is expressed by





Intensifying adjectives consist of two groups

Ordinal ... cardinal

Stative ... dynamic

Emphasizers ... amplifiers


These two great men demonstrated the difference between lingual synchrony and diachrony, and defined language as a synchronic system of meaningful elements at any stage of its historical evolution

  1. de Courtenay ... F. Saussure
  2. Galperine ... G. Leech
  3. Arnold and B. Roomberg


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