6 семестр – практикум английского языка. Практический курс Тест № 3


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Раздел: Ответы на тесты Синергия

6 семестр – практикум английского языка. Практический курс Тест № 3 - готовые ответы Синергия


Прослушайте запись – и заполните пропуски: Radboud University is situated in …

Прослушайте запись – и заполните пропуски: The technique could help people with …

Read the text «Top five inventions and discoveries made by accident» and complete these sentences: Swiss chemist Jacques E. Brandenburger worked for a …
Textile company
Cellophane factory

Would she sing if we … her?
Would ask

Прослушайте запись – и заполните пропуски: Scientists think we have … neourons
8-10 million
8-10 billion
80-100 billion

Прослушайте запись – и заполните пропуски: ECT is quite a … treatment

I’ll open the door as soon as you … swearing
Will stop
Will have stopped

Прослушайте запись – и заполните пропуски: We have as many neurons, as there are …
Plankton in the ocean
Ants in ann anthill
Stars in the whole Universe

Read the text «Top five inventions and discoveries made by accident» and complete these sentences: Percy Spencer was testing a magnetron when he noticed … in his pocket had melt
Ice cream
An ice cube
A chocolate bar

Read the text «Lost in space » and complete these sentences: The idea of the Record is to communicate a story of our world to …
Other countries from space
Ourselves gor memory

If you … the dress, you would have bought it immediately
Have seen
Had seen

Read the text «Top five inventions and discoveries made by accident» and complete these sentences: Spencer Silver, an American research chemist, wanted to invent …
A strong glue
Incombustible paper
Sticky notes

Прослушайте запись – и заполните пропуски: When Rob was young he was …
Bitten by a dog
Frighten by a bat
Beaten by an elder brother

Прослушайте запись – и заполните пропуски: ETC is used as a last resort for people with …
Cancer metastasis
Uncontrolled aggression
Severe depression

If Mary … here you would have met her
Has been
Had been

Прослушайте запись – и заполните пропуски: ECT means …
Expert compulsory technology
Emergency command team
Electroconvulsive therapy

Read the text «Top five inventions and discoveries made by accident» and complete these sentences: Penicillin was developed by … scientist Alexander Fleming

If the pupils … interested in the lesson, they study harder
Have been

Read the text «Top five inventions and discoveries made by accident» and complete these sentences: In the laboratory of Alexander Fleming was extremely …

Прослушайте запись – и заполните пропуски: If you lose the connection between the neurons, you lose …

If they had given him some money for medicines he …
Wouldn’t die
Hasn’t died
Wouldn’t has died

If Ann had know how to use the washingg machine, she … it
Wouldn’t have broken
Haven’t broken
Don’t break

If I see him, I … him about your wishes
Will inform
Would inform

If our father had stayed with us for a week, we … very nice holidays
Will have
Will have had
Would have had

Read the text «Lost in space » and complete these sentences: The Voyager Golden Record is a … that was included on the Voyager spacecraft in 1977
Photografic disc
Hidden camera
Collection of classical music

Read the text «Lost in space » and complete these sentences: The spacecraft will be encountered and the record  played only if there are … in space
Advanced civilizations
Other planetary systems

If Monica … some money, she will buy a new dress
Would have

Read the text «Lost in space » and complete these sentences: It could take … years before Voyager is close to another planetary system
Four thousand
Fourteen thousand
Forty thousand

1 отзыв на 6 семестр – практикум английского языка. Практический курс Тест № 3

  1. Людмила

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