Иностранный язык (Практический курс первого иностранного (английского) языка) 6 cеместр


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Иностранный язык (Практический курс первого иностранного (английского) языка) 6 cеместр - тест № 1

Предварительно убедитесь, точно ли эти вопросы и ответы Вам нужны. Мы продаем именно те вопросы и ответы, что попались нам при решении. Никто не знает, какой вариант теста попадется Вам. Для сверки необходимо начать решать тест, сверить с нашим вариантом и только потом покупать.

Read the text

«E-lin’s description of the Great wall of China» and complete these sentences:

The most famous section of the wall is called …

I asked: «Where has the teacher gone?» I was interested, where the teacher …
Has gone
Had gone

Read the text «Now you see it… » and complete these sentences: The French Magazine Paris Match altered a photograph French President Nicolas Sarkozy by removing …
Some body fat
Unfashionable clothes
lighting on the picture

Read the text «Now you see it… » and complete these sentences: In the National Geographic magazine … were “squezed” together to fit the magazine’s  vertical format
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Great Pyramids of Giza

Read the text «Now you see it… » and complete these sentences: As early as …, photographs were changed

Father told me: “I was really tired”. Father told me that he … very tired
Has been
Had been

Read the text «E-lin’s description of the Great wall of China» and complete these sentences: The wall is over … km long

Read the text «Now you see it… » and complete these sentences: People who the Soviet leader Stalin had fallen out with or no longer trusted were often …
Eliminated from pictures
Photographed post mortem
Photographed for memory

Mary said: “I found my cat”. Mary said, that she … her cat
Has found
Had found
Was found

Прослушайте запись – и заполните пропуски: Helen Mirren … drummers
Indifferent to

Прослушайте запись – и заполните пропуски: The reporter described the language Helen Mirren used as …
Less than royal

Read the text «E-lin’s description of the Great wall of China» and complete these sentences: All along the wall special buildings called … were built
“Watch towers”
“Beacon towers”

Ann told Patrick: “You must stay away from their house.” Ann warned Patrick … away from their house
To stay

Read the text «Now you see it… » and complete these sentences: The famous photo of Us President Abraham Lincoln is in fact a …
Usual photo
Combination of two photos

Mother told me: “Don’t listen to the music anymore.” Mother asked … this music anymore
Don’t listen
Not listen
Not to listen

Read ... text «E-lin’s description of ...Great wall of China» and complete these sentences:


The great Wall of China was listed as a UNESCO world heritage site in …

Прослушайте запись – и заполните пропуски: The drummers were drumming to promote a summer festival called …
At One in the park
May tree
Knight’s Castle

John said: “I will help my mother.” John said, that he … his mother
Would help
Will help

Прослушайте запись – и заполните пропуски: If you are …, you’re brave and aren’t scared of doing something

Betty said: “You should see a psychologist, Bob.” Betty advised Bob … a psychologist
To see

Read the text

«E-lin’s description of the Great wall of China» and complete these sentences:

The wall goes … of China

From ...east to the west

From ... south to the north

From ... north to the west

My dentist said: “You should brush your teeth twice a day.” Doctor advised me … my teeth twice  day.
To brush

Прослушайте запись – и заполните пропуски: Punters are …
Members  of the public
Big wild cats
Members of the musical group

Прослушайте запись – и заполните пропуски: The percentage of people in Europe is exposed to road traffic noise levels which are higher than 55 decibels is …

Прослушайте запись – и заполните пропуски: Rob don’t like …
Hissing and whistling sounds
Very loud, repetitive sounds
Unexpected sounds

Прослушайте запись – и заполните пропуски: During   recent performance at the Gielgud Theatre in London, the actress Helen Mirrenwas interrupted by …
Some very loud drumming from a festival outside
Sneezing and coughing from the audience
Dog’s barking from the park near the theatre

Alex said: “I don’t like thrillers.” Alex said that he … thrillers
Didin’t like
Wasn’t like
Don’t like

Jenny asked: “when will our bus arrive?” Jenny asked when our bus …
Was arrive
Would arrive

Так же можем решить в кабинете студента этот и любой другой тест Синергии. Для заказа необходимо обратиться к менеджеру. Выполним качественно, анонимно, безопасно и в срок


Отзывов пока нет.

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