Вставьте, где это необходимо, пропущенные артикли “а” или “an”: … empty cup
Вставьте, где это необходимо, пропущенные артикли “а” или “an”: … full life
Вставьте недостающее слово в предложение ниже: What … your name?
Вставьте недостающее слово в предложение ниже: This … Sam.
На основании информации из текста ниже ..., что It’s a very large room. My Office Hello. My name’s Steve. I’m British and I’m from London. This is my office in Moscow. It’s a small room, but it’s light. My friend Alex isn’t British, he’s Russian. His English is very good. Alex is nice and polite. Well, goodbye! Have a nice day!
Выберите верное предложение, чтобы дополнить диалог ниже. Jannie: He’s very good-looking. What’s his phone number? Holly: …
Вставьте пропущенные предлоги. Washington is the capital … the USA.
Вставьте пропущенные предлоги. “Where’s the box … matches?” “It’s … the table … the cake.”
Вставьте пропущенные артикли в предложение ниже. Go …. home. It’s time to have … lunch.
Вставьте пропущенные артикли в предложение ниже. Broadway is … street in New York.
Заполните пропуски недостающими местоимениями. Your Italian albums are nice. Give … to …, please.
В приведенном ниже письме на место пропуска (2) нужно добавить прилагательное ... Easy / difficult / small / great / happy / yellow / new / good 24 West 55th Street New York, NY, 10019 15th November Dear Jacky, Here I am in New York, and I’m quite 1) … about it. Our hotel is 2) … , but the food is 3)… . Life is 4)… here. The subway isn’t 5) … to use. Taxis are also 6)… to see, with 7)… TAXI signs on them. Write soon. Send me Robert’s 8)… address, please. Love, Bob
В приведенном ниже письме на место пропуска (5) нужно добавить прилагательное ... Easy / difficult / small / great / happy / yellow / new / good 24 West 55th Street New York, NY, 10019 15th November Dear Jacky, Here I am in New York, and I’m quite 1) … about it. Our hotel is 2) … , but the food is 3)… . Life is 4)… here. The subway isn’t 5) … to use. Taxis are also 6)… to see, with 7)… TAXI signs on them. Write soon. Send me Robert’s 8)… address, please. Love, Bob
Завершите предложение ниже. “Has Linda got … friends in London?” “No, not in London. She has got … in Paris.”
В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (2) следует поставить предлог ... I’m a student 1) … the University of Glasgow in Scotland. Glasgow is 2) … the river Clyde. It’s an industrial city but it’s also famous 3) … its museums, the Glasgow School 4) … Art and the Scottish opera. There are two popular football clubs 5) … Glasgow, Rangers and Celtic.
Вставьте пропущенные предлоги. …midday
Вставьте пропущенные предлоги. …September
Заполните пропуски предлогами. It’s 14 June today. My exam is … 28 June.
Выберите нужную форму глагола в диалоге ниже. “What they … (to talk about)?” “About summer holidays.”
Переформулируйте вопрос: Is the door red? Blue? Yellow?
Вставьте пропущенный глагол в предложение ниже. Efie often … me some interesting things.
Заполните пропуски. I’d like to spend my holiday … I can swim.
Заполните пропуски. “Why can’t I go?” “… you’re too young”.
В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (4) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (7) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
В приведенном ниже тексе на место пропуска (15) нужно добавить предлог ... James lives 1)... a small flat 2) ... Cambridge. He lives 3) ... two other boys who are students 4)... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week. James has two jobs. 5) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works 6)... a hospital, where he helps to look 7)... children who are ill. He goes to the hospital 8)... bus. He starts 9)... ten o’clock and works until quarter 10)... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works 11)... home. 12)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. 13)... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk 14)... their day. They usually go to bed 15)... about midnight.
Закончите предложение. The clock isn’t working, ... ? No, but it was O.K. this morning.
Заполните пропуски. Jill … in Paris for 5 years but then she moved to London.
В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (9) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (12) нужно добавить глагол ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)... (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)... (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)... (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) ... (to have) no ideas. Then he 5)... (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)... (to leave), a burglar 7)... (to break) into his flat and 8)... (to read) his story. The visitor 9)... (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)... (not to think) much of it. I 11)... (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)... (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)... (to write) the rest of the story. He 14) ... (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)... (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)... (go out) in the evening, he always 17)... (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
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