Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере. Итоговый и компетентностный тесты. 1 семестр. Синергия


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Раздел: Ответы на тесты Синергия

Итоговый тест

In the UK, MPs are elected every … years
The most accurate definition for the Rule of Law is …
Religions have much to say about right and wrong, but believers can sometimes be torn between the laws of their country and those of their …
The Archbishop discusses the implications of some interpretations of Western … legal systems
… regulates the relationship between different independent countries and is usually in the form of treaties, international customs
The term common law means the law developed by the old common law courts of the King’s Bench, the Courts of Common Pleas and the Courts of …
The part of the legal system that relates to punishing people who break the law is called the … law
… law, also known as private law, regulates disputes between private individuals or entities
Match the types of law with examples:
Arrange the historical documents chronologically starting from last to first:
… is a typical responsibility of the county sheriffs office
Traditionally, members of the British police must gain a certain level of academic … at school and undergo a period of intensive training
The International Criminal … investigates and, where warranted, tries individuals charged with the gravest crimes of concern to the international community
A … is a place for the purpose of imprisoning someone, typically someone who has been convicted of a minor offense or someone who is awaiting trial for the crime they are accused of having committed
A … is an order that serves as a specific type of authorization and is regarded as a writ issued by a competent officer that permits an otherwise illegal act that would violate individual rights
One unique feature of policing approach in Russia is the system of territorial … over citizens
Two bodies of the British Parliament are …
The British Parliament – like that of larger countries – is …; it has two chambers
In the UK, there is no fixed number of members in the House of … and the number fluctuates because of deaths, retirements and new appointments
It is not correct that … belongs to the courts of the general jurisdiction
In Russia, the two chambers of the legislature also have the power to override a presidential … of legislation
The jurisdiction of the State Duma includes deciding the issue of confidence in the … of the Russian Federation
Judges may be citizens of the Russian Federation over … years of age with a higher education in law
Arrange the commercial courts in Russia according to their hierarchy (start from the lowest ones):
Arrange the courts in the UK according to their hierarchy (start from the lowest ones):

Компетентностный тест

Imagine your American friend decided to become a police officer in the USA. What steps should he make?
A legislature is an assembly with the authority to make laws for a political entity such as a country or city. They are often contrasted with the executive and judicial powers of government. What is the difference in the legislative system of the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom?
Read the following piece of the text about the USA: Senate Bill X has passed out of the Senate. Senators were happy with the way that it was drafted and did not amend it at all. It has gone through the committee review process in the House of Delegates. An amendment was made, and the Delegates agreed that the amendment made the bill much better, so they passed it out of the House. What may happen at this point?
According to Article 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation the principle of political pluralism is enshrined. What does it mean?
Some of the different types of government include a direct democracy, a representative democracy, socialism, communism, a monarchy, an oligarchy, and an autocracy. What characterizes the Republican form of government established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation?


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